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Dr. Kevin Gilmartin on Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement Webinar Recording

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Description: Dr. Kevin Gilmartin discusses Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement with Dr. David Black.

Duration: 1 Hour

Cost: Free

About Dr. Kevin Gilmartin
Dr. Gilmartin is a behavioral sciences and management consultant specializing in the law enforcement and public safety areas.  He formerly spent twenty years in law enforcement in Tucson, Arizona.  During his tenure, he supervised the Behavioral Sciences Unit and the Hostage Negotiations Team. He is a former recipient of the IACP-Parade Magazine National Police Officer Service Award for contributions during hostage negotiations.   He presently maintains a consulting relationship with law enforcement agencies nationally in the U.S. and internationally with Canada and Australia.  He has held adjunct faculty positions with The University of Massachusetts Police Leadership Institute, the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas at Sam Houston State University, and as a guest instructor at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He has been retained by several Federal law enforcement agency critical incident response teams. He holds Life Member status within the International Association of Chiefs of Police and is a charter member of the IACP: Psychological Services Section.  He holds a doctoral degree in clinical psychology from the University of Arizona.  In addition to being the author of the book Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement, he is the author of numerous articles published by the Department of Justice, the IACP, the Police Service of New South Wales and the FBI.  He is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and resides in Bend, Oregon and Tucson, Arizona.

About Dr. David Black

Dr. David Black is the Founder and CEO of Cordico, serving hundreds of public safety agencies nationally. He is a Board Member of the National Sheriffs’ Association Psychological Services Group, serves as the Chair of Technology and Social Media, is an Advisory Board Member for the National Police Foundation’s Center for Mass Violence Response Studies, serves on the IACP Police Psychological Services Ethics Committee, serves on the National Fraternal Order of Police Officer Wellness Committee, serves as the Chief Psychologist of the California Police Chiefs’ Association Officer Wellness Committee, and is an Officer Wellness subject matter expert for the California Commission on POST. Dr. Black has been serving law enforcement since 2002.