Recording: Preparing for Worst-Case Scenarios:
How C.O.P.S. Supports Law Enforcement Nationwide and Beyond

Cordico CEO, Dr. David Black, will interview C.O.P.S. Executive Director, Dianne Bernhard in this webinar. They will discuss how C.O.P.S. supports law enforcement officers during worse case scenarios.

About Dianne Bernhard
Deputy Chief Dianne Bernhard of the Columbia, MO, Police Department retired after 21 years of service. During her tenure at the Columbia Police Department, her accomplishments included creating a camp for kids, developing a Crisis Intervention Team, setting up a leadership academy, and restructuring the agency.  She was also a member of the Columbia Police Mounted Team and came to know C.O.P.S. through the line-of-duty death of a co-worker, Officer Molly Bowden, in 2005.
Dianne joined C.O.P.S in 2014 as their Executive Director and is responsible for fulfilling the mission, providing leadership, overseeing the functions of the organization, strategizing for future growth, and operating C.O.P.S. under the direction of the National Board.

About Dr. David Black

Dr. David Black is the Founder and CEO of Cordico, serving hundreds of public safety agencies nationally. He is a Board Member of the National Sheriffs’ Association Psychological Services Group, serves as the Chair of Technology and Social Media, is an Advisory Board Member for the National Police Foundation’s Center for Mass Violence Response Studies, serves on the IACP Police Psychological Services Ethics Committee, serves on the National Fraternal Order of Police Officer Wellness Committee, serves as the Chief Psychologist of the California Police Chiefs’ Association Officer Wellness Committee, and is an Officer Wellness subject matter expert for the California Commission on POST. Dr. Black has been serving law enforcement since 2002.