The Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) is requesting proposals for their $5 Million Innovation Grant Program (IGP).  Up to $200,000 can be granted per agency.  The IGP is designed to grant funds on a competitive basis to qualified public and private entities for the purposes of fostering innovations in training and procedures for law enforcement officers, with the goal of reducing the number of officer-involved shootings statewide.  Training and workshops must address issues in one of the five (5) program areas listed below.

  • Wellness Programs for Law Enforcement Officers
  • Implicit Bias
  • Use of Force and De-escalation
  • Cultural Diversity and Awareness
  • Community Policing

The deadline to submit a proposal is 5 pm on September 6.  For more information about the Innovation Grant Program, click here.  The International Association of Chiefs Police (IACP) has developed this Best Practices Guide for Grant Writing that might be useful if you decide to apply for the grant.  In addition, feel free to contact the Cordico team and we can refer you to additional resources that might be able help you apply for this grant.

About the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training

The Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) was established by the Legislature in 1959 to set minimum selection and training standards for California law enforcement. The POST organization, with more than 130 staff members, functions under the direction of an Executive Director appointed by the Commission.

POST funding comes from the State Penalty Fund, which receives money from penalty assessments on criminal and traffic fines. Therefore, the POST Program is funded primarily by persons who violate the laws that peace officers are trained to enforce. No tax dollars are used to fund the POST Program.